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In this video you will learn all about the LifeVac Anti-Choking Device!
In a choking emergency, LifeVac can be a literal lifesaver. Using suction, the device creates a force over 329 mm Hg—that’s three times greater than the strongest recorded cough. And the best part? LifeVac’s patented one-way valve ensures that no air is pushed through the mask, making it safe and effective for anyone in a choking situation.
LifeVac: How It Works and Why It’s Effective
Children and Choking: What You Need to Know
As parents, it’s easy to think that because you’ve taken a first aid class, you’ll be 100% ready to handle a choking situation. But here's the reality: basic life support (BLS) protocol for choking is not foolproof. In fact, it’s far from it. Many foods are a high choking risk for kids—grapes, apples, marshmallows, hard candies, and hotdogs are just a few. That’s why it’s so important to cut food into small pieces, especially for younger children.
Children with neuro-disabilities or those born prematurely are especially at risk for choking, though all children can experience feeding difficulties.
Toys are another common choking hazard. Small objects like bouncy balls, pen caps, marbles, or toys with small parts can be dangerous for curious little ones who tend to explore the world with their mouths. Always check age recommendations on toy packaging and keep risky items out of reach.
Here we see the opening of the airway and how it changes shape as we age. It shows why children are at such high risk of choking!
The statistics speak volumes
In the U.S., at least one child dies from choking on food every five days, and over 12,000 children are rushed to the ER every year because of food-related choking injuries.
In the UK, each year, around 14 children under the age of 5 tragically die from choking, and about 40 children under 5 are rushed to the hospital daily for choking-related emergencies
A young child’s trachea is only about the size of a drinking straw, and is cone shaped —imagine how easily something like a grape or a piece of popcorn could block their tiny airway.
People with Physical Disabilities Are at a Higher Risk for Choking
If you're caring for someone with a neurological condition like Parkinson’s, Huntington’s, Multiple Sclerosis, Cerebral Palsy, ALS, or Alzheimer’s, it's important to know they are more likely to develop dysphagia, a condition that makes swallowing difficult. Here’s a quick look at just how many people are affected:
Over 127,000 people in the UK have Parkinson’s Disease
About 8,000 people are living with Huntington’s Disease
Around 100,000 people suffer from Multiple Sclerosis in the UK, and up to 40% of them face serious swallowing problems
These conditions all significantly increase the risk of choking.
For caregivers, choking is often described as the “silent killer” and is, understandably, one of their greatest fears. It’s important to understand why those in care, particularly the elderly and vulnerable, are at such a high risk. Choking is one of the leading causes of accidental death in adults over 65. This is often due to factors like dysphagia, reduced saliva from medication, and physical disabilities that affect daily activities, such as reliance on a wheelchair.
In fact, adults over 65 are
seven times more likely to choke on food
than young children aged 1–4.
Thousands of carers across the UK have been taught to use the LifeVac® device in their care homes. They have voiced the same concern: “Choking is our worst fear, especially if the person is in a wheelchair.” When someone uses a wheelchair, the typical choking response—like abdominal thrusts or back blows—may not always be an option. This makes an already frightening situation even more dangerous. Standard choking procedures are about 70% effective in the best conditions, but when you can’t perform these manoeuvres, that success rate drops to around 40%.
Up to 75% of care home residents have dysphagia, so choking is something to be highly aware of.
Why Every Second Counts in a Choking Emergency
When someone chokes, every second is critical. Here’s a quick breakdown of how time impacts survival:
3 minutes: The person will lose consciousness
6–10 minutes: Brain damage is likely due to oxygen deprivation
10+ minutes: The outcome could be fatal
For those with neurological disorders like Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s, choking fatalities may not even be officially recorded as choking, but rather as "complications from the disease." This makes it harder to track how widespread the issue really is in the care sector.
While Speech and Language Therapy (SALT) teams often create care plans to manage the risk of choking, these can occasionally be missed, especially during transitions to new homes. These plans are important, but they are not a guarantee that a resident won’t choke.
Our most frequently asked questions about our LifeVac® anti-choking device.
LifeVac® is a class 1 medical device: a revolutionary non-invasive anti-choking device to be used when choking emergencies arise and first aid BLS choking protocol has failed or cannot be performed. LifeVac® is made from proven and tested materials and has a patented one-way safety valve system. This means when applied no air can be forced through the interchangeable sized masks, therefore, when pulled, this generates the perfect suction to dislodge an obstruction of the upper airway.
LifeVac® is medically registered and regulated by governing bodies around the world, such as the FDA, MHRA, TGA, MOH, IMA, AMAR, HPFB, CE and many more. It’s the only legal, regulated, non-invasive proven airway clearance device on the market to save lives and prevent emergencies escalating – which you can purchase directly from the manufacturers here. From choking accident prevention at schools to the hospitality industry, our LifeVac medical devices are already equipped in most industries to help save people in a choking emergency.
Yes, LifeVac® can proudly say it is the only non-invasive airway clearance device or suction device with multiple independent medical testing, peer-reviewed medical publications and medical abstracts covering safety, effectiveness, lives saved, comparison studies and ease of use.
With every life saved with LifeVac®, we encourage our customers to report a life saved to assist with our choking aid research to save even more lives and receive a free replacement. Discover our success stories and testimonials to see how we are raising awareness of choking to prevent choking deaths across the world with LifeVac®.
Yes, anyone can use LifeVac®; we recommend using LifeVac® when Resuscitation Council Guidelines (BLS protocol) fails or cannot be performed or have failed. This is where LifeVac® has saved thousands of lives, when standard BLS has failed or cannot be performed. Resuscitation Guidelines are reviewed every 5 years and created by a body called ILCOR (International Liaison Committee); this committee is made up of resuscitation council members from all over the world.
In the last review (2019/20), ILCOR stated, “While we recognise they have saved lives, there is not enough evidence to encourage or discourage their use”. Since then, LifeVac® has saved a further 2,300 lives and gained 8 more peer reviewed medical publications covering lives saved, comparison studies, ease of use, safety and effectiveness.
We are certain non-invasive hand-held suction devices will become part of the standard first aid choking protocol at some point in the future as LifeVac® is saving lives when BLS first aid fails. In addition, BLS choking protocol is only 70% effective when performed correctly in a perfect situation. You also have to remember these are “guidelines” not “laws.” LifeVac® is not a first aid device yet and does not claim to be a first aid device. LifeVac® is a legal option to be used in a choking emergency.
Yes, LifeVac® can be used if choking occurs at any point, full or partial. If you are unable to breathe, speak, cough, or spit, then it is a viable option to begin using a LifeVac®. When choking protocol fails, LifeVac® can quickly dislodge an airway obstruction and help save a life.
Our LifeVac® devices can be used in any position, from sitting and standing to lying down.
Yes, the LifeVac® anti-choking device can be self-applied and has also been used like this to save many lives.
Whilst LifeVac® is currently recommended for any choking victim over 10kg, users can use this device on choking victims under 10 kg with the paediatric mask attached at their own risk.
However, with the correct application, there have been hundreds of cases where parents have saved a baby with a LifeVac® device. Young children and babies are the second highest risk group when it comes to choking, so we make it our mission to raise awareness of choking. In the event of standard first aid choking protocol failing, our LifeVac® device is the only non-invasive method to protect your children in a choking emergency as a last resort.
We recommend up to 5 applications if the casualty is unconscious, the only circumstances where LifeVac can be applied more than the recommended 5 applications on an unconscious casualty is if another person is performing CPR.
If the casualty is conscious then LifeVac can be applied more than 5 times.
With a firm PUSH and TWIST motion in a choking emergency.
No, LifeVac® comes with interchangeable masks clearly identified by colour-coded labels. Unfortunately, one size mask does not fit all, so we have created a device that can be used on everyone by simply changing the mask. LifeVac® has saved lives from 2 months old to 104 years old.
No, LifeVac® device does not expire. We chose and tested materials that have a 100-year shelf life, but are fully recyclable, and will perform in very hot/cold climates. Our LifeVac device will not have to be replaced unless they have been used to save someone’s life from choking – as LifeVac is a single use lifesaving apparatus. Only the masks will need to be replaced every 2 years; the expiration date can be found within your kits on the unique label.
Yes, Project CPR offers video training. We also incorporate training on the LifeVac into all of our first aid courses.
If you are purchasing for a school or nursery local to West Sussex, we offer an in person training option for your staff.
Every kit also comes with a 22-page multilingual instruction booklet, and a QR code which takes you to a free training video.
LifeVac® is single-use due to cross-contamination, but if you let LifeVac know you have used your device, like many others have, LifeVac will replace it free of charge, until 2025, beyond which you will receive 50% off of a new device purchase.
Yes, barotrauma, cardiac arrest, brain damage, and death.
Barotrauma is usually associated with positive pressure, usually of the lower respiratory tract rather than the upper airway, resulting from high inflation pressures and damaging the lung parenchyma. Suction devices which generate a ‘negative’ (sub-atmospheric) pressure will not damage distal tissues beyond the larynx.
Because the LifeVac is non-invasive, there is no risk of any tubes pushing the obstruction further down or causing oral damage, making it a safer clearance device. Also, no tubes can become blocked, which will render the equipment useless if only part of the obstruction has been removed.